How is climate change incorporated?

Climate Change is one of the driving themes of the game, and is what defines the game rounds, as well as the global events that occur each round. Climate is the ultimate “tragedy of the commons” in global political affairs, and history has shown that climate often drives global history. As the world’s regional climates have changed over time, the civilizations in these different regions have risen, fallen or been forced to migrate as a result of their changing climate.

Players in Balance of Powers, players will see Climate Change in the game’s round design, and the intensity of the global events that occur each round. The round counter is thus structured like a “Decision Tree” format, where all players must repeatedly ask themselves “Have we used our national power to decrease Green House Gas Emissions enough”? As the Great Powers delay action on Climate Change, global climate events will continue to get worse and worse through the game. If players fail to take sufficient action by round 10, all players lose the game!

- Ian


How do I win?


How do you predict the future?